Restaurant & Cafe Bar

Traditional restaurant


 Most popular LOCATIONS


One of the most effective cultural traditions in North Cyprus is the Taverna tradition (Meyhane). It is always a ‘must do’ in the Cypriot culture. It is the most fantastic atmosphere to drink our famous alcohol ‘Rakı’ which is made from grapes & aniseed. Tavernas in Cyprus are specialized by their starters’ cuisine with a wide range of very filling cold and hot appetizers.

Tavernas give you the coolest and relaxing atmospehere with their live music, played along with your mood, wether it be for a relaxed night out or a funfilled night out. ‘Meyhane’ has always been top rated and has been the best choice over the years. Here are top ranked places to visit in Famagusta for your choice of nights.

Best place to eat:



3.Meyhane-i Kültür

4.İnciraltı Meyhanesi

5.Neşe Meyhane

6.Kemal’in Yeri

7. Iskele Balık Evi