Places to visit

Legendary Cyprus Castles


Throughout its history, due to various reasons, with its stance and grace, the qualities that have been made to every corner of the island will affect you. Here are the unique castles that can be visited in Cyprus.

Kantara castle

Kantara is a castle located in the Five Finger Mountains (Beşparmak dağları). It was built to control the Mesarya fields and is based in the northern coast of the island. The castle was originally built in 1914.

St. Hilarion castle

This castle was named after a monk who moved to Cyprus after the conquest of the Arabs of Jerusalem and spent the final years of his life here.

Bufavento Kalesi

It was known by the Byzantines as Arslan Castle-Leonton, Bufevent by the French, Buffavento by the Italians, ‘not afraid of the wind’ and in general known also as “Queen Castle”. With different names given over the years. It is believed that the castle has 101 rooms and those who find the lost room will also find a hidden treasure.

Girne Kalesi

Girne Castle was built in the 7th century by the Byzantines (Bizanslılar)