Things to do

Boat Tour




The most famous “event in summer” is boat tours. Different routes, different people, delicious meals and dancing. Here, in Cyprus you will witness the many natural beauties of Cyprus thanks to this famous summer event. You can have a very enjoyable time on the boats departing from Girne and Famagusta.


. Princess Boat Tour

Visiting historical places on the west and east side of Kyrenia, depending on weather conditions. At least 3 stops for swimming, snorkeling and water sports in wonderful Bays of Kyrenia / 90 533 843 52 22


. VELA Boat Tour

Day Trip with lunch and fruits 10:30 to 16:30 sunset Trip with dinner and fruits 18:30 to 22:30 Special organizations celebrations on board closed groups custom timing all available. Kyrenia / 90 548 856 48 04


.  Gencer Yatching Tour

Tours from Kyrenia. Include Tours, Private Tours in day of every week. You will recognize Cyprus as well as enjoy yourself in this boat tour / 0533 873 21 00


. Sabrina Boat Tour

Boat Tours & Water Sports in Kyrenia. Tours, Outdoor Activities, Boat Tours & Water Sports. Excellent day out at sea costing three different bays for swimming relaxing and chilling.  / 90 533 862 80 62